Even for the most accomplished linguists (a person who studies and may speak different languages), phonation (the production or utterance of speech sounds) is full of confusing rules. For example, in place names.
Pronunciation guide of Australian place names
Names with unfamiliar cultural and historical influences have become an absolute challenge to pronounce. Especially in Australia. So, this month, check out our pronunciation guide of Australian place names. As a result, improve your travel IQ and find inspiration for your next great adventure!
Bathurst: Bath-est
Wollombi: Wol-lum-bye
Brewarrina: Brew-ar-een
Goonoo Goonoo: Gunna g’noo
Walcha: Wol-ka
Moombooldool: Mum-bool-dool
Ballan: Ba-laan
Moe: Mow-ee
Beaconsfield: Bec-kons-field
Lalor: Law-ler
Geelong: J’long
Creswick: Crez-zick
Canberra: Can-bra
Manuka: Marn-ukka
Fairbairn: Fair-burn
How to pronounce these Australian place names?
Kata Tjuta: Kah-tah choor-ta
Ubirr: O-beer-ee
Quorn: Kworn
Gumeracha: Gum-er-ack-ah
Pooraka: P’rak-uh
Mallala: Mal-uh-lar
Wudinna: Wood-na
Launceston: Lon-ces-ton
Breadalbane: Bre-dole-bin
Mandurah: Man-drah
Wangkatjungka: Won-ka-jon-ka
Cairns: Cans
Goodiwindi: Gunda-windy
Capalaba: Ke-pal-eba
Mackay: Mack-eye
Source: Instagram; Wikipedia; news.com.au
IELTS for migrating to Australia
IELTS for migrating to Australia
So, Australia has some place names that are hard to pronounce. But, it also has clean air and beautiful beaches. A strong economy and cultural diversities. These are just some of the reasons why so many people consider Australia the perfect place to call their new home. Do you dream of living in Australia for work or study? IELTS is one of the key tools you’ll need to secure permanent residency in Australia.
Learn more about IELTS for Australian immigration (and what test is best for you). Also, we’ll share some of the Australian immigration requirements for English language tests.
Find out more about moving to Australia