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Beat fear and achieve goals

Watching her perform on stage and hearing that magical, powerful voice, it makes you wonder how she could be nervous and not believe in herself, but the fear of failure doesn’t discriminate. Atychiphobia as it’s also known, has an emotional impact on many people, especially when they don’t appreciate or recognise the amazing potential they are capable of. Deep inside there is greatness in all of us, sometimes a nudge is all it takes to have it emerge in all its glory.  In a recent interview with Billboard, Settle said “I’ve been hiding from whatever this is — my entire life. There were pockets of this career — whatever you want to call it — where I said “I’ve tapped out, I don’t want to do this, I’m going to go be a stage hand. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to talk to people. I’m afraid of people. I’m going to walk away from everything that this was and is.” 

“The last time that I tried to do that was with Hugh Jackman (the star of The Greatest Showman)” on the set of the film.” She explained that they had filmed her big “This Is Me” sequence in the film, with Jackman and other cast and crew watching, and at the end of the number “everyone was bawling and crying, and I was like “is everybody OK?” 

She says that she’s grateful for going 100% on The Greatest Showman experience. 

“It’s made me see things that I never really cared to crack in myself, to peel things away that made me discover who I am.“ 

Overcome your fear of IELTS

The fear is close to home for many test takers, too. Tests make people nervous and uncomfortable. The fear of failure, especially when a lot is at stake, completely takes over and robs us of the realisation of how smart and powerful we really are. 

Test takers fear the unfamiliar and we believe the best way to overcome all the scary aspects of a test is to take the element of surprise out, get accustomed to all the different modules and be positive. As the saying goes, “the shell must break before the bird can fly”, so take a leaf out of Kaela Settle’s book and throw caution to the wind. Take that leap and go for your dreams. 

Top tip from IELTS

The best way to get a good score for your IELTS test is by preparing for the test. For example, you can download your free IELTS support tools here.

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